Life is moving. Speed of light fast! "C" as Mr. Morris would call it. Its a good thing though, unless your not done planning your wedding, then its scary haha
But alas the Oh So Wise Senior Chip has assured me as he always does that everything works out :D And it does, I had this feeling that the Stake Presidetn wouldn't be here to get us our recommend interviews when we needed them and low ande behold, the Bishop calls us last night and lets us know to come in that night and get it all started so we could get them before the Stake President is gone for like a month! The Lord loves us! But i must admit it is getting harder and harder to not want to pounce the Chip. Thank Heavens for an early work schedule atht makes me go to bed at like 9! haha But it is going so well and I am getting unbearingly excited! Things here and there have happened with the planning that weren't expected and they are wonderful. You ARE right Mr. Chip, they are working out! Yay!
As for school, I think I'm going to have to take stats over. Poo. But maybe I will get it the second time, last time I took a test I thought I did awful and I got a B! This time I REALLY think I did awful haha Oh well. I did my best which is really all I can ask for! Astronomy labs are this week! Sweet! Upa ll night with the stars, the way life was intended :D
Zumba is going well and my work schedule has slowed down by more than half, I went from 4 classes a day to one! But this will only be for two weeks, then its back to two classes, much more managable :D I LOVE my job, and the fact that I have lost 15 pounds or so doesn't hurt one bit :D
I must admit watching hte people who get all dressed up to work out and come and dance like they know EVERYTHING crack me up, I'm a teacher and I mess up ALL the time, and I just stick my tongue out and keep going, it happens. Those particular ladies know that they put in WAY to much effort, relax its Zumba :D We have no mirrors for a reason haha It was just on my mind, but now its off :D
Hope everyone has a great week, I know I will casue I am getting married soon! Happy! :D
Slow Start
1 week ago
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