So it's almost 2 in the morning and I am still awake, which isn' t the unusual part, but somehow sleep just does not seem appealing right now, thats the unusual part. I'm a Payne it is in my DNA to want sleep haha
I am in the beautiful 505 for a few days visiting family, I would like to give a shout out to Mr.Bret Jensen, thanks for the break, I appreciate it and took your advice to heart, the rest of the trip to ABQ was more than uneventful. I owe you!
So I have internet here at home and was cruisin the FB and decided to check an old friends profile. I haven't seen or spoken to this person in MONTHS but just felt compelled to see how they were doing. They are alive, which is good. I think. jk No, it looked like they were just groovin' on with life as usual. Which I suppose is good cause I am as well, in fact life is awesome for me right now! But I was hoping for some piece of evidence that they maybe in anyway possible know that I existed and perhaps in some strange paralell universe, miss me. Terd and D this is not who you think it is, promise. Anyways, no sign what so ever, but at the same time, if there WAS some even miniscule piece of evidence of me in their life I would run far far far away, so why do I hope that I'm present there?
I think I want to know that they think of me just as much as I think of them, which is decreasing as a matter of fact, but still pops up occassionally, that is unavoidable. I can deal with it, and I finally have someone to talk to about it, but at the same time, no one can fully understand and empathize so I still feel like its my load to carry.Sing it Alanis, you know my life! Life goes on and I'm sure in another year this will be obsolete, of course I'm not that lucky haha, but one can always hope! Wow this sounds way more serious than it is. I'm just spittin' game here haha makin my brain some room to breathe is all :P
I read O's blog and got inspired,your brave girl, love ya! I should be more open with what I write, this is MY blog afterall! I plan on trying to blog more, writing makes me happy, and I ALWAYS have something to write about. Good times.
On another note, Mont si doing well and still writing, he has been gone for almost 4 months! Shoot! Joe and I are still close and hangin as usual with Dave, Scoggs, and the crew. School starts in another week and I will be busy but in completly in bliss, 26 credits boo ya! :P
Ok I feel better. Don't ask who I'm talkin about, cause if I wanted yout o know, I would tell ya! :D
Slow Start
1 week ago
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