Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oh...So you ARE the Voice of Reason, well NOW we know!

So my good friend Montie Jay left for his Mission about a month or so ago!! He is serving in the Morristown New Jersey Mission! I am way excited for him, but more importantly I get to send him stuff!Excited! I'm excited to send ties, and candy, home made cookies, and all sorts of shenanigans. Other than yummy food though, I'm at a loss as to what to send... what do you give the boy who moves every few months, and has to keep his luggage to a minimum?! Food?! Well they do say the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach :) tehe

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, I intend on trying to send packages fairly regularly and I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with :) Your ideas are apprecaited! I'm not sure if my comments box is working, but if not, Facebook would be good too :) Oh, and if it just so happens that I am the only one who actaully reads this, I would not put it past myself to put up any new ideas on my facebook, just because I can :D



Marquette said...

When we sent Ed packages we just went though the house or the dollar store and found the most random fun stuff to send. We sent pink flower post-it notes, a rubber band, a mexican sucker, a homecoming sash, etc. Just random fun stuff, and he loved it. Sometimes we just sent the box, sometimes we found scriptures for each object (some of the objects were hard to find scriptures for). Sometimes we made an inventory list and added an extra item or two and he had to go through and see what was missing. It was fun.

Marquette said...

They also love jerky!

EPG said...

haha thanks Kette! Those are great ideas :) I'm having to get creative here and it hurts my brain haha