Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oh No, Someone Gave Her a Blog... *Sigh*

As first blog excitement ensues, I will say this is all new too me!

*Disclaimer!*I had a blog once before, however it was like that cactus you got that one time you were feeling "green friendly", it now shriveled, sits in the corner, unattended to and very sadly will not be able to be revived ( That was my sad attempt at being witty).

May this new blog be blessed with stick-to-it-iveness that was lost before!

I will most likely call upon my most Amazing sister in law Keri to help me out with this. I must admit her blog is quite a chuckler, and often brings a much needed smile to me face :) Thanks Keri! Miss you!

Ok, so I know it was short but I will try to write as often as I feel necessary, (after all, it is my blog), and I feel that this will be a fun additive to my MANY notebooks and jots for which I scribble on a daily basis. Love me some Notebooks :)

This should be fun, and I'm excited to be a blogger! Have a wonderful day, cause I know I am :)